
Return Policy

No Return

Customers have the option to cancel their orders before the products are dispatched from our warehouse. We understand that circumstances may change, and we aim to accommodate our customers whenever possible. To cancel an order, customers are required to contact our telecalling customer service team immediately with their order details. If the cancellation request is received from coustmer side then your ammount  has been refunded to your account after 15 Days before the dispatch process begins, Gurtoy will initiate a full refund of the purchase amount.

It is important to note that once an order has been dispatched, it cannot be canceled under normal circumstances. Customers may then refer to our No Refund Policy outlined above for further assistance. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these policies, which enable us to maintain the quality and integrity of our products and services at Gurtoy.

Note : 18% GST Amount will deducted after cancellation the product
